IAMC Condemns Blast Outside Delhi High Court - IAMC
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IAMC Condemns Blast Outside Delhi High Court

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC – http://www.iamc.com), an advocacy group dedicated to safeguarding India’s pluralist and tolerant ethos, has condemned the bomb blast outside the Delhi High Court on September 7, 2011, that has claimed the lives of 11 people and injured 74, as an act of terror meant to advance divisive and sectarian agendas.

Twocircles.net : Liyaqat Ansari, whose son lost one of his hands in the blast

IAMC has expressed its profound condolences to the families of the victims, and called upon people of all faiths to come together in this difficult hour, and defeat the intent of the killers by reaffirming their commitment to a pluralist, secular India. IAMC has also called upon law enforcement agencies not to exclude any possibility in investigating this heinous crime.

According to a statement by the National Security Director, Gen. Rajen Medhekar, the bomb was made from ammonium nitrate, a substance that is easily available in the market. The timing of the blasts is also suspicious, coming as it does, on the heels of new efforts to improve relations between India and Pakistan. These facts point to the likely involvement of extremist organizations that have committed similar terror attacks in the past with the goal of stoking communal tensions.

“Repeated terror attacks on innocent civilians are clearly an indication of poor security arrangements on the part of the government”, said Mr. Shaheen Khateeb, President, IAMC. “This barbaric act is also an attack on the secular foundations of Indian society and is representative of the dangerous sectarian visions espoused by the extreme elements in our society”, added Mr. Khateeb.

Investigations of such terror attacks in the past, have found them to be the handiwork of either local extremist organizations or cross border terrorists. However, knee-jerk reactions from law enforcement agencies consistently targeted poor, innocent individuals that did not have the wherewithal for proper legal representation. IAMC has therefore called upon the media and people of all faiths to exercise restraint and withhold judgment until a full scale investigation is allowed to run its course.

Indian American Muslim Council (formerly Indian Muslim Council-USA) is the largest advocacy organization of Indian Muslims in the United States with 10 chapters across the nation.

For more information please visit our new website at http://www.iamc.com.


Police probe deadly blast outside Delhi High Court

At least 11 killed, dozens hurt in blast at Delhi High Court


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