8,000 Muslims’ homes demolished, Hindu homes untouched - IAMC
Assam eviction drive

8,000 Muslims’ homes demolished, Hindu homes untouched in Assam eviction drive

Authorities in Assam’s Morigaon rendered around 8,000 Muslims homeless after demolishing their homes, claiming they were built illegally on railway land. The families had lived in the settlement for nearly four decades. 

Residents have accused authorities of clear religious discrimination, reporting that Muslim households were specifically targeted while Hindu structures remained untouched, despite also occupying railway land. 

Three Hindu priests beaten by Hindu mob over suspicion of being Muslims in disguise

In Uttar Pradesh, Hindu extremist mob brutally beat three Hindu priests with sticks and rods after accusing them of being Muslims in disguise and being part of a child kidnapping gang. The incident, which occurred in front of a police station, was recorded and posted online by one of the attackers. After police interrogation, all the allegations against the three victims were proven wrong. 

Muslim men beaten up by cow vigilantes over alleged cattle transport in Delhi

In the capital city of Delhi, cow vigilantes led by a leader of the Hindu extremist group Gau Raksha Dal assaulted Muslim men over allegations of transporting cattle.

Hindu militant mobs regularly attack Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, assault and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Hindu militant groups distribute weapons to hundreds, promote hate against Muslims

In Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur, Hindu militant groups Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal organized a weapons distribution event where far-right leaders and monks delivered speeches promoting fear and hate towards Muslims. Organizers also distributed sharp tridents among hundreds of participants.

In Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, a far-right leader peddled anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and called for a social and economic boycott against Muslims. In Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, Hindu monk Sanjay Thakur indulged in fear-mongering against Muslims and called for passing a population control law imposing punitive measures. In Raipur, Chhattisgarh, a Hindu militant leader delivered a hate speech against Muslims and justified cow vigilante violence.